In young children communication between the left and right hemispheres is still emerging. It is not until about age ten or twelve that the brain is fully communicating between both hemispheres. Movement is critical for cognition especially in young children because it unifies all brain levels and provides the learner with the opportunity to utilize both sides of the brain resulting in whole brain functioning.
Tangle® is the original fidget toy, a pioneer in therapeutic brain tools for children and schools.
This book is meant to be a fun, and easy-to-use resource for anyone who cares for children and wants to help them learn and grow. The information and activities are organized in a quick and easy format. They're presented so you can easily flip through the pages and instantly hit upon a meaningful Tangle activity.
Teaching with Tangle Brain Tools book instructs how to kinesthetically teach children math, reading, grammar, emotional understanding and much more
Recent technological developments have allowed scientists to learn more about the cognitive systems that govern learning. Research shows that children of all ages and abilities benefit from movement while learning. The sensory and motor stimulation Tangle provides has been found to help stimulate and maintain attention, even improve math and reading comprehension.
Tangle® is one of the most highly recommended educational and therapeutic toys worldwide for an incredibly wide range of Special Needs populations including ADHD, Autism, Trichtillomania, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Learning Disabilities, Anorexia, and more.
In short, Tangle is considered a Brain Tool because they increase the student’s potential to learn.
Tangles are used in the field of play therapy to assist children in processing emotions and practicing self-soothing. Recent work in cognitive neuroscience suggests a connection between ADHD and higher creativity. Playing with the infinite movement possibilities of a Tangle’s interlocking segments, both children and adults report expanded perception, creativity and problem-solving.
A.D.H.D. is now the most prevalent psychiatric illness of young people in America, affecting 11% of them at some point between the ages of 4 and 17.
Tangle Therapy received 4 Stars in the areas of cognitive, communicative, sensory, and physical from AblePlay, an independent evaluation system developed by National Lekotek Center.
The shape, color, texture and visual impact of Tangle is designed to stimulate the brain. The brain stem could be called the "switch" that triggers attention. If the brain stem is the organ through which most of the sensory- motor information flows, and sensory experiences enhance or activate attention, Tangle not only encourages movement, but also contains sensory information that sends impulses to the brain that helps the learner stay alert.
The brain learns best when in a state of "relaxed alertness" so in addition to making the learner alert it can also help the learner relax. Tangle is an excellent support for studying and test taking.
Movement also stimulates the release of neurotransmitters; such as, serotonin and dopamine. Neurotransmitters carry chemical messages in the brain. Both chemicals are associated with attention, processing, motivation, concentration memory, and an elevated mood.
Tangle is used by all ages, cultures and diagnoses. Anyone can play with a Tangle. Anyone can help their child with Tangle BrainTools!
Tangle Toys are fabulous. I always make them available to my students with Autism. We use them in so many different ways. My students use them as fidgets. When they take Tangles with them to their general education classroom, they are able to stay focused on instruction longer! I have used the sound-activated Tangles to increase verbalization with my non-verbal students. My kids get so excited when the thing lights up. Tangle Toys ROCK!!!
- Rebecca Platero, ASD Teacher, Clarkston MI
I use Tangles as support for students who need extra help while trying to sit and focus in class. I also use them as a reward when students complete their work.
- Stephanie Perez, 5th Grade Teacher, Fairfield CA
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